9/30/12 - 10/1/12 & 10/4/12 - 10/6/12
“You shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and
your daughter, your male servant and your female
servant, the Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the
widow who are within your towns. For seven days you
shall keep the feast to YHVH your Elohim at the place
that YHVH will choose, because YHVH your Elohim will
bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your
hands, so that you will be altogether joyful.” (Deut. 16:4)
Waves of Worship Flag Ministry will be enhancing the Worship at the Feast of Tabernacles Celebration "In the Cleft of the Rock" being held at Christian Retreat in Bradenton, Florida 9/30/12 - 10/8/12. We will be there 9/30-10/1, 10/4-10/6. Hope to see you and worship with you there.
Advance Registration Rates:
Full 8-day Event:
Adults: $89 - Food and lodging is an additional charge
Children 12 and under: $39 first child, $15 each additional child, Children under 5 are free!
Concert Tickets Advance Registration Rates:
Series (11 performances): $70
Single Concert: $13
Carlos Perdomo, Jimmie Black, Lenny & Varda Harris, Brian Samtur, Maurice Sklar, Johnathan Settel, Deborah Kline-Iantorno Micha’el ben David, George Comtois, Natalie Isaacs, David Sanborn, Yahaloma, Brian Samtur, Michele Gold, and Elisheva Berkowitz
Sun. 9/30 7:00 pm Chavannah Majesty Room
8:15 pm Brian Samtur Majesty Room
Mon. 10/1 2:00 pm Yahaloma Majesty Room
7:00 pm Mishkanim Majesty Room
8:15 pm Micha’el ben David Majesty Room
Tues. 10/2 8:15 pm Natalie Isaacs Majesty Room
Wed. 10/3 7:00 pm Lenny & Varda Majesty Room
8:15 pm Deborah Majesty Room Kline-Iantorno,
Jonathan Settel &
Maurice Sklar
Thu 10/4 1:30 pm George Comtois Majesty Room
7:00 pm Lenny & Varda Majesty Room
7:30 pm Mishkanim Majesty Room
8:15 pm Jonathan Settel & Majesty Room
Deborah Kline-Iantorno
Fri 10/5 8:15 pm Carlos Perdomo Majesty Room
Sat 10/6 7:30 pm Teruah Choir Tabernacle
8:15 pm Jimmie Black Tabernacle
Sun 10/7 1:30 pm David Sanborn Majesty Room
4:00 pm Remnant Majesty Room
8:15 pm Maurice Sklar, Jimmie Black &
Carlos Perdomo & Brian Samtur &
Remnant & Teruah Choir
Workshops and Teachings by:
Dr. R' Michael Schi man, R' Eric Tokajer, R' Wayne Leland, R' Steven Berkowitz, R' Mikha'el Ben Aharon, Pastor David Jones, Suzanne Brindise, Moreh Stephen Barnes, Moreh Rob Specter, Moreh Paul Van Beek, Brian Samtur, Larry Mathison, Elisheva Berkowitz, and Mindy Seta.
Canoe races ■ Shu eboard Tournament ■ HoopShoot
Contests ■ Horseshoe Tournament ■ Daily Sukkah
Parties ■ Movie Night ■ Prayer Walks ■ Softball ■ Ice
Cream Social ■ "MessiLympics" Games and Races ■ Raft Races ■ Davidic Dancing ■ Volleyball Tournament ■
Halfcourt Hoops ■ Trapeze Class ■ Pizza Party ■ Pool
Party ■ Game Day ■ Board Game Night ■ Pony Rides ■
Bounce House & Water Slide
For Additional information: Call 239-240-2719 for event pricing, lodging/meal options, workshops and musical guests or see www.sukkot2012.us